Oh, you have to love the rumour mill. You really do. It seems like every time you turn around, there is a new rumour about certain wrestling Superstars. Whether it’s Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), The former Iiconics (Now the Iinspiration), or the subject of today’s top five… CM Punk.

    Indeed, CM Punk is probably the superstar with the most rumours going on about him and if it is true that Phil Brooks is in training to return to the ring there is really only a handful of places he could end up. One thing we all know is that it will come down to who pays him the most. That said, today I’m gonna look at the AEW roster and pick out a few guys there that I think would be fun to have a feud with Punk, should he actually sign with AEW.

    One thing of note before I begin today, I am taking into account the time that Punk has been inactive and away from the squared circle. So every choice I make today will be someone that I feel can help Punk get his ring legs back and also carry him in a match in case he’s not in a ring shape. Spoiler, I will not be adding Chris Jericho or Kenny Omega to the list, as those two are locks for dream matches. So without further ado, my top five AEW opponents for CM Punk.

    5. Penta el Zero Miedo Vs. CM Punk?

    So my first pick today is Penta. Penta is one hell of an athlete and holds a 9.21 rating on Cagematch. He’s a 13-year veteran all-rounder and can do things that most men in the ring cannot. Penta is one of the Best Lucha Libre wrestlers that I have ever seen. He has really cool gear, a cool catchphrase, and never fails to wow me when he wrestles. He has a really good looking Package Pile Driver as his finisher and at times, he will do something that will make your jaw drop. He may be a little intense for an opponent for Mr Punk, but there is no doubt that Penta could make Punk look like a million bucks in the ring and can carry the match with little to no effort on his part. When you take into account Punk’s time away from the ring, there aren’t many people in AEW who can get a better match out of Punk than Penta el Zero Miedo.

    4. The Bastard PAC

    With an 8.76 overall rating on Cagematch and a 2021 rating thus far of 9.29, the Bastard PAC comes in fourth today. PAC is an incredible high flyer that, let’s be frank, WWE wasted and let go. He has intensity, he has charisma and he is one hell of a performer. The 17-year veteran can hang with anyone you put him in the ring with and he can even carry matches against lesser opponents. Let’s face it, Punk is coming off a 10+ year absence from competing and he will need to face opponents like PAC and Penta to get back into the shape he needs to be in if he’s gonna end his career in the ring. Unlike Penta, PAC has the ground game to keep Punk honest and, even though Punk has a 9.39 on Cagematch, I’m not sure he will be the same as he was before, but PAC would be a good test for him.

    3. Frankie Kazarian Vs. CM Punk

    Frankie Kazarian Announces The Passing Of His Father - Wrestling Inc.

    With a criminally underrated 7.57 Cagematch rating, number three today is The Elite Hunter, Frankie Kazarian. The longtime tag team partner of Christopher Daniels, this 23-year veteran is so much better than people give him credit for. Frankie has had matches against the who’s who in his career and has put on stellar matches against them all. Not many 40+-year-old men are as good in the ring as Frankie is and putting this professional in the ring with a returning Punk would immediately validate Punk’s return and put him up against someone who won’t be doing anything super crazy in there. You know what Frankie is going to bring to the table, you know what Punk will bring so it only makes sense that these two get to face each other. Another plus here is that Frankie is on par with, or better than, Punk on the mic so that would be a fun treat.

    2. Andrade el Idolo

    Andrade El Idolo Debuts On AEW Dynamite

    With an 8.93 rating on Cagematch, our runner up today is another former WWE superstar, and one that they should be kicking themselves for letting go, Andrade el Idolo. Andrade has the charisma and talent to be one of the best performers on any roster, and he can connect with the Latin American countries due to his heritage. The 17-year veteran is a techniker/high flyer in the ring and can draw a match out of damn near anyone on the planet. He has a good mix of skills and is pretty decent on the mic. He’s not on Punk’s level, but he could be if he continues to work on his promo skills. In a straight wrestling match though, this is a fun match on paper and one that AEW would be foolish not to capitalize on if Punk does indeed sign with them.

    Our number one today is the only wrestler to ever have matches for WWE, NJPW, AAA, CMLL, WCW, ECW, AEW, Impact/TNA, ROH, PWG and MLW. There is only one, and though he has had several alter ego’s, this legend of the ring deserves the top spot today. That man is none other than…

    1. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels Vs CM Punk

    That’s right folks. More than anyone else, I want to see CM Punk step into the ring with the Fallen Angel himself, Christopher Daniels. I am well aware that Punk has faced Daniels before, but let me be perfectly honest here. CM Punk has a 10+ year absence. He’s gotten his ass kicked in the UFC and I highly doubt there is any way he comes back to wrestling the same as he was while in his prime. That said, the 51-year-old, 28-year veteran is the perfect opponent for Punk to step back into the ring with. They know each other well enough that even though both are past their prime, they should still deliver a match that is a match of the night contender any time they are in the ring together. Daniels has an 8.76 on Cagematch and yeah, he’s slowed down a bit as he’s gotten older, but Daniels is still better than a lot of the men that WWE or even AEW employs. If you’re going to bring Phil Brooks back into the ring, and you’re AEW, you absolutely want to put him in the ring with Daniels.