Kenny Omega and the Invisible Hand, Don Callis, continue their reign in the quest for pure wrestling domination. As the holidays came around, Don Callis and Kenny Omega would get together for a message to the Impact Wrestling Nation and the AEW Universe. They speak of the gift of the AEW Title to everyone including Impact Wrestling fans. Expressing their hardships when Omega was a kid that he wanted to run the wrestling business. How people try to mimic and copy Kenny Omega. Callis states Omega has always been 7 stars since he was born. If more children were like Kenny, he would have had children of his own. That it was unbelievable that people try to imitate Omega.
    ”Uncle Don, I want to run the Wrestling Business” – Kenny Omega

    A Message for Hard to Kill

    Gia Miller speaks to Motor City Machine Guns and Rich Swann. As they lead into their match to Impact Wrestling’s Hard to Kill. They speak of the history of the company being built on the backs of Motor City Machine Guns, one of the best tag teams in all pro-wrestling. Rich Swann expresses his distaste for Kenny Omega, and he does not belong. Alex Shelley gathers his partners persuading them to take the fight early to Omega and the Good Brothers. This call of action did not go well for Motor City and Rich Swann. As Omega, Callis, Doc, and Anderson dominated over the team. Omega stating, they were easy to kill in one confrontation.

    Omega/Good Brothers On Bullet Club Reuniting At Hard To Kill
    “Often imitated but never duplicated.”- Kenny Omega

    Don Reviews History: The Birthplace

    Don Callis speaks of the birthplace of Kenny Omega. The lessons that make The Best Bout Machine. Speaking of Fenix being coddled as a child and Omega being a 12-year-old boy. A boy fighting and clawing his way back up. Standing up and discovering his first Terminator Dive. That the weather and cold does not bother them in Winnipeg. Both Callis and Omega are next level consciousness. Fenix is not mentally strong or powerful like Kenny Omega. Fenix did not go through the struggle The Collector went through on the ice in Winnipeg. Don Callis in Spanish states Fenix has no heart!  They will take his pride.

    “Nurture beats nature, every time.”-Don Callis

    AEW Dynamite: New Year’s Smash
    1/6/2021 – AEW World Title Match

    Kenny Omega would defend his title to Rey Fenix at New Year’s Smash. Fenix would come in strong at the beginning. However, Omega would dominate the match. He would land a dropkick on The Collector attempting several high-flying moments. Omega would land his famous Snap Dragon Suplex on the luchador. Then, Kenny would drop Fenix on his spine on the barricade. Returning into the squared circle. Fenix would transition into a moonsault off the second rope straight into a delivery german suplex! The luchador would cover for the pin, but Omega would kick out of. Fenix would lead into a double stomp on the rear of the neck of Omega.

    As the match continued Fenix would attempt another move from the top rope but would be caught in a Tiger Driver. Omega would hit him with a V-Trigger and them a one-winged angel. A move that no one has ever been able to kick out of. Allowing The Cleaner to retain his title. He would then continue his assault on Fenix and Moxley would interfere with a barbed wire baseball bat.

    Good Brothers 4 Life?

    As the attack continued, the Impact tag Champions Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows would appear to assist Omega. They would battle everyone attempting to attack the AEW Champion. The Bucks would come out to stop the commotion but would end up assisting. All of them would unite with the Too Sweet heard around the world.

    The assembling and reuniting of the previous and most dominate members of “The Bullet Club”.

    Kenny Omega Retains AEW Belt, Good Brothers Attack Jon Moxley & Ally With  Young Bucks - Metal Meyhem Radio

    The lesson of Kenny Omega. Look inside yourself and find your strength. Real power is never given. Power is what you take. The pro-wrestling world will see the story get ugly. Callis and Omega will take everything in the pro-wrestling world as they continue to dominate the industry.