The APPG for Wrestling has released its terms of reference for its inquiry into British Wrestling this morning, after the announcement of the official inquiry in the early hours of September 24 2020.

    The committee is interested in;

    • Views on how the British Wrestling industry has evolved over the past two decades.
    • Available data on the contribution of the industry to the economy, the cost of wrestling and details of existing or emerging markets within, or related to the industry.
    • The impact of COVID-19 on promotions, promoters, wrestling talent, fans and others connected with the industry.
    • The impact of the #SpeakingOut movement and policy recommendations that should be considered in it’s wake.
    • View on the current legislative and regulatory framework that the industry operates within.
    • The applicability of the UK Employment laws and status granted to wrestlers in Britain.
    • Impact of television rights and internet streaming on the industry.
    • Level of competition within the British Wrestling scene.
    • Impact of globalisation on domestic wrestling, including the presence of overseas companies and talents in the UK marker.
    • Examples of learning from bad practice or experience in respect of industry standards.
    • Examples of engagement with other industries or organisations towards the promotion of, or support for, professional wrestling.
    • Whether wrestling should be considered a “SPORT” or a form of “THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE”
    • Details of the impart of wrestling on physical health and mental health and wellbeing.

    Below you can click through the official press release from the APPG.