TWMs Jade-Louise sat down with TWM Games writer, and avid PC Gamer, Paterson to talk all things life, content and future plans

    Paterson writes excellent content for our games section which you can find here.

    Why should someone new read your content?

    I’m an honest gamer and would never hide my faults. I’m also very new to writing and hope that my content will encourage people to give it a try.

    What inspired you to get into Gaming?

    Super Mario Bros. It wasn’t my game (cheers Del…..) but I do remember that fantastically square NES controller and have been hooked ever since. The fact that 30 plus years later I still remember the brick to break to cheat most of level 1-2 sums me up.

    Has the Pandemic affected the way you game?

    Not really, gaming has been an escape for me ever since I started. Although I enjoy a game of FIFA or Excitebike football with friends, it’s always been something for me to get lost in on my own. Late-night Fridays and Saturdays with a few choice drinks are my way to go

    What’s your favourite game to play currently?

    Anything on my PC. Currently going back through several games (go play Max Payne 3 btw) and enjoying the jump from

    Paterson via Twitter

    30fps to 60 or above. For anyone that says it’s not a big difference, you’ve not got the right set up, it’s made some old games feel like totally new experiences. 

    Favourite Game Genre? And why?

    Driving games. Since the N64 these have been my bread and butter. I wouldn’t say that I am amazing at them but I spend more hours playing them and trying to get better at them than any other game.

    Multi or Single player? Why?

    Single Player, I don’t like getting beat to be honest. Single Player gives me the best chance of not getting angry.

    Favourite music genre? And why?

    Classic Rock. Need to take the easy route out and blame my parents. Be it chilled or head bumping, it’s always the first thing on my playlists.

    Favourite band/singer?

    David Gilmour- Pink Floyd.

    Preferred platform?

    Xbox/PC. I am lucky enough to be able to game on every platform but Xbox has been my go-to for the last 10 years.

    Paterson via Twitter
    Favourite Twitch streamer?

    I’m old, I don’t really do streaming. Can I say, Mike Hawke?

    What’s your favourite thing about the gaming community?

    The fact that people are so passionate about what they like, Speedrunners really impress me, being able to find ways through games that developers never even considered sums up the community best.

    What are your goals for this year?

    I’d like to lose my COVID weight and take my writing further and see how far I can develop. The dream would be to be able to start online videos on reviews and lists and articles. 

    Where do you see your content in five years?

    On the Moon?…maybe not, but given that chance that I’ve been given, I’d love to still be part of TWM.

    Paterson via Twitter
    Do you have any other interests?

    Arsenal. We are terrible, but I will love them to the end. Also PC and tec building, really wish I had got into this earlier in life as it’s amazing the things you can make tec do that it wasn’t made for.

    Where can people find you? Socials etc.

    You can find me on Twitter at @BigGp1987. Come follow my random Tweets.