TWM Games’ Jade-Louise sat down for another Streamer Sitdown. Next to run the gauntlet? TWM’s own Shalene Hixon.

    Shalene is an inspired and passionate writer and even better person! Her content is always excellent and very in-depth.

    You can check out the wonderful stylings of Shalene at work by clicking here to view her author profile

    Why should someone new watch your content? 

    My streams are a great place for people to relax and enjoy themselves. Regardless if I’m playing a game by myself or with friends, we always make sure it’s a great time. I also take time to talk with chat about what’s going on in their lives. Whether it’s advice, heart to hearts, or rants, it’s all about building a personal connection with anyone who tunes in.

    What inspired you to get into streaming? 

    It all started back in 2018. Life is Strange: Before the Storm was released the year before, and I had found one of the voice actresses, Katy Bentz, on Twitter and noticed she had a Twitch. I started going into her streams and met a bunch of people there.

    A few of them and I hit it off and eventually, they invited me to game with them on their streams. After a little while, they asked about me potentially streaming as well, so I decided to give it a try and the rest is history!

    Has the pandemic affected the way you game? 

    It has definitely given me more time to game, but I mainly put my extra free time towards working out and staying active as best I can. But I still make sure I have my gaming time as well!

    What’s your favourite game to stream? 

    That’s a tough one because as a variety streamer I’m playing different games all the time. My friends and I do weekly group streams, mainly Dead by Daylight but sometimes Call of Duty or Rocket League.

    If I had to pick a game I streamed by myself, it would have to be Jak 2. It was the first game I streamed solo, and it also happens to be one of my favourite games of all time!

    Favourite game genre and why? 

    There are quite a few, but I’d have to say RPGs are my all-time favourite. I’ve always loved having so many options for making my character and their story unique.

    Favourite music genre and why? 

    I listen to just about anything, but I mainly go for alternative and rock. I’ve just always loved rock music and all the different types of music you get with alternative.

    Favourite singer/band? 

    Halsey will always reign supreme for me! She’s been my favourite for years now and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.

    Preferred Platform? 

    Definitely Twitch, that’s where I’ve been since I started streaming.

    Which streaming capture do you use? 

    Currently I broadcast my streams directly from PlayStation and onto Twitch.

    Do you have any sponsorships? Are you open to having them? 

    I don’t have any sponsorships at the moment, but I’m open to them if the right one comes along.

    Favourite Twitch Streamer? 

    This may sound cheesy, but my friends are my favourite streamers. That’s where I hang out the most!

    But outside of my friends, I enjoy watching SuperButterBuns, Saraya (Paige), Blxckmass, and Thea Trinidad. I always loved watching Dakota Kai, Shayna Baszler, and Mia Yim when they were able to stream, but at least we still got the BRE Start!

    What’s your favorite thing about streaming? 

    My favourite thing is getting to hang out with an amazing group of people every time I stream. I take great pride in creating a community that is a safe space for everyone. While I enjoy the gaming aspect, I also enjoy getting to talk to chat about all kinds of things. That’s the real reward for me.

    What are your goals for this year? 

    My main goal is to try and get a more consistent streaming schedule down. It can get a little difficult at times, but I’d like to get in the habit of having set days to stream and sticking to them as best I can.

    Where do you see your channel in five years? 

    Obviously, I’d like to see my channel grow as the years go on, but the numbers never really bother me. As long as I still have a wonderful community in five years, I consider that a win!

    Do you have any other interests? 

    So many! I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, Batman, mythology, and all those kinds of “nerdy” things. I’m also really into all things drag, sports, and wrestling (of course!). I also collect things on occasion, including Pop Funkos, action figures, and most recently, wrestling trading cards.

    Where can people find you? 

    You can find me on Twitch at Shay_Hixon21, on Twitter at shalenehixon21, and on Instagram at shalene.hixon21