It’s WrestleMania Week! This inspired us to take a look at WrestleMania from a Gaming Perspective, debuting TWM: Games Writer Paterson takes us through the WrestleGamia 1 Card! There can only be one winner, and each game is going for the jugular.

    Pre-Show Card

    FIFA vs PES

    A battle here between two ageing fan warriors and everyone has their favourite. Neither fighter seems to get worse in the ring, while at the same time never learning new tricks.

    FIFA makes more money, using every dirty move in the book. While fans of Pes proclaim it’s the excellence of execution. Neither side wanting to give up after well over a decade of fighting. These two are in a figure-four leglock that keeps getting reversed.

    Final result- Double count-out, with neither side doing enough to prove itself to be better than the other

    Battlefield vs Call Of Duty

    It’s time to bring the big guns out. During the early days of this fight, it looked like Medal of Honour might have been lining up against Call of Duty, but the big dog COD was quick to put the lights out on this early challenger.

    This one has had ups and downs with plenty of Style Clashes along the way. However, over the last few years, COD has managed to build its way back up after a few losses and Battlefield has been a bit confused over what it should try and do to get back in the fight.

    Winner- Call of Duty, but struggled to keep Battlefield down for the three count. I would imagine we will have another rematch later on this year to look forward to.

    Main Card

    Guitar Hero vs Rock BandNo Notes Barred

    Two forgotten titans of yesteryear, who rushed to the main title scene after their arrival. Although both are similar, each one has a unique feel and timing in the ring. 

    Each side tried to throw everything they had in their setlist at the other, what started with guitars quickly escalated to everything you could hope to find under a ring. Microphones tick, drum kits tick, record decks tick, Lego add ons…… oh my…………wait, what?

    These two threw so much at each other it was never going to end well…A top rope superplex sends both crashing through the ring, and the ref takes an obscene bump to the outside. The officials have no option to stop the match with both stars unlikely to ever been seen again.

    Winner – No Contest

    Halo vs Killzone – Casket Match

    And so the ringing of the bell begins. The old pro vs the fancied upstart star. Before these two had faced off, many had already proclaimed that Killzone would be the Halo killer. However, after watching this it looks like Halo might have a few years left in it yet.

    Killzone makes a great start to the match and shows why many people thought it could be the one, but soon after as they go to land the second big hit they get found out to be a cheat guilty of performance-enhancing, in the end up the final strike lands and the fans love it. Halo makes a recovery and while it’s not the Showstopper it once was, it still sends the fans wild.

    Halo 3

    Killzone doesn’t want to go down without a fight, but Halo manages to fight off the challenger and tombstones them into the casket.

    (Killzone is out of it with no sign of recovery……for now at least.)

    Winner – Halo

    Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter – Iron Fighter Match (60 minutes)

    This one has been a battle through the ages. I don’t think it is much of an argument to say that without these two stars fighting games (possibly even gaming on a whole) the industry might not be what it is today. People said that Rock vs Hogan couldn’t be topped but this one might have a shout.

    Street Fighter famed for its speed and high flying ability, MK being the one that likes to take things to a different level of violence and extreme. But don’t let the differences count for too much, these two are both all-time greats.

    Street Fighter takes an early stranglehold of the match and on a technical level MK just can’t compete. Showing off a playbook of over 1004 moves, and using an arm drag to great success, it takes some time for Mk to show anything other than the ability to bust its opponent wide open.

    However, as the match goes on Mk continues to make the body blows start to count and by the end shows a style that if anything manages to surpass the look of Street Fighter. In truth, Street Fighter was the perfect fighter in only its second match and forgot that you need to keep on evolving to continue to bring the fight.

    After nearly 60 minutes (or 29 years..), the two can not be separated and the match ends in a draw. Overtime would be pointless, this is a fight that could well last until the end of time with no clear winner.

    Winner – Both (Tie)

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