GTA vs Driver vs Saints Row – Triple Threat Drive 2 Survive Championship Match

    This one could be something special. One Hall of Famer vs two opponents that don’t what they want to be. All three willing to do whatever it takes to be the most talked-about.

    Driver makes a good start against the oldest of the competitors GTA, showing action in the ring that is a little different to what been on offer, all while Saints Row stands in the corner waiting to make its first move in the match.

    What looks like an interesting bout takes a quick turn for the worse with GTA smashing Driver through the Spanish announce table with a jack-knife powerbomb, good god almighty, they’ve killed him!

    From then on, it’s back to one vs one, Saints Row is late to the party and struggles to show anything that we haven’t seen before. It takes a bit of time but then, they start to show that they are quite different from GTA and start to play the crowd for laughs. The crowd are in the palm of their hands and things get crazier and crazier until GTA decides enough is enough.

    With the ref distracted, GTA reaches for the 5-ton sledgehammer and smashes Saints Row over the head. Saints Row may have its fans, but no one can live with the king of kings.

    Winner and NEWW Drive 2 Survive Champion GTA!!!!!

    Forza vs Gran Turismo – Street Racing Fight

    The road to this one has been a long one. Never have two opponents been so similarly matched.  The older of the two Gran Turismo, stood head and shoulders above the rest until it was troubled by the arrival of Forza.

    Both fighters offer similar strengths, with neither able to piledrive the other into submission. A look online at the fan forums will show that it’s hard to decide between the two, with maybe a slight preference for the original King GT.

    Forza Horizon 4

    One of the original greats and a nailed-on Hall of Famer, GT gave fans an experience so close to real-life they could touch it, but remember kids don’t try this at home.

    But as time goes on in this one, Forza has landed way more punches recently and it will be interesting to see if either can bring anything new to the table and take this to the next level. This match has been a slobber knocker, and it’s not until the interference from Forza Horizon that the fight takes a turn for the worst.

    It’s now two on one, and Horizon is bringing the hurt. GT has no answer for this, and with Sweet Chin music, the fight is over. GT never stood a chance in this two on one slaughter.

    Winner – Forza

    Mario Kart vs Diddy Kong vs Crash Team vs Sonic All-stars – Last Car Standing Match

    The tale of the tape is hard to call here, with all four opponents looking strong on paper. Normally matches end with a three count but this time the ref counts down from three and the match is on.

    These four horsemen of the arcade battle racer world have numerous highlights in their career, with only Sonic Racing having any time on the mid-card. Diddy Kong racing shows some fancy manoeuvres first but is shown up to be a bit of a one-hit-wonder. It’s a shame as it had the potential to be great but just doesn’t show enough in this match. Quickly tapped out in and won’t be back.

    Sonic manages to live with the big boys a little longer but honestly, it’s just not good enough to be able to keep up with the other superstars in action. The pro pair team up for a second and deliver a devastating 3D to put this Sonic away.

    Mario Kart

    This is a fight people have wanted to see for years, Mario Kart vs Crash racing. It could be argued that without Mario, Crash may never have existed, but this means little when Crash has shown it can be just as good as its older opponent.

    Mario has been on top for a while and all looks lost for Crash, until…..the comeback kid makes their return and delivers a call back to the year’s gone past showing just what it can do. All looks well until the ref rings the bell and goes to speak to the announcer, fans are booing and it looks like they know what’s happened.

    And the announcer confirms it, Crash has been disqualified for trying to use Microtransactions, and hoping no one would notice.

    In the ring they are great, but tactics like this will not be easily forgotten by the fans.

    Winner – Mario Kart (Disqualification)

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