Smackdown Here Comes The Pain vs WWF No Mercy – Brand Split Championship Match

    Our first main event of the night features two superstars that have proven themselves to be among the best of all time. Between them, I don’t think there is a wrestling move in existence that they wouldn’t know how to perform.

    Smackdown is fast and able to hit moves in quick succession, with No Mercy having a more deliberate and measured style. Every time one raises the bar, the other looks more than able to match it.

    As I noted earlier, every move you can imagine is here used, from dropkicks and closelines to Stonecold Stunners and tiger drivers. Looking back on the action replay both do look a little rough around the edges, but I could sit down with either of these two and watch them all night such is the quality.

    WWF No Mercy | WWE Games & Wrestling Games Database

    Smackdown shows more when it comes to options in taking the game to its opponent, and it should be noted they sound a lot better than No Mercy on the mic. However although some might say that No Mercy never really had much of an evolution from previous fights, it sticks to the same formula and makes just slight changes to improve over the years.

    This looks like a fight that could go on all night until Smackdown goes for a top rope belly to back. Both land hard and they go for the bridging pin…..all four shoulders are on the mate and the ref has no option but to count.

    Then at the last second No Mercy lefts, a shoulder as the ef counts three.

    Some fans are happy and some might disagree with the outcome, I must note, in my opinion, the correct star won here, but it was extremely tight.

    Winner – No Mercy

    Mario vs Sonic – Gaming World Championship Unification Match

    This is it, the granddaddy of them all and time to see who will cement themselves as Mr Wrestlemania. Can Sonic end the streak?

    Mario has been the champion of champions for a long long time, but many believe that Sonic could steal the title away. Has Mario ever really put a foot wrong in the ring? This commentator doesn’t think so.

    As they arrive in the ring Mario looks confident, but maybe ever so slightly too confident. As the bell rings for the start of the fight, Sonic springs out the traps and smashes Mario with the biggest spear I’ve ever seen, he nearly knocked the moustache off his face.

    Super Mario

    It’s only the start of the fight and Mario is on the rocks, but it doesn’t take long to re-establish himself in the fight. TO be fair after that first big hit, Sonic fails to live up to the hype of many and this match can almost be considered a squash from here on out.

    Mario has too much quality and too much history for there to ever be another winner, Sonic try throwing a few more punches but these are dusted off like nothing.

    Without even reaching for the lead pipe, Mario wins this one with ease.


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