Since 2010, NXT has been the most exciting, show-stealing brand in WWE. When RAW and SmackDown have failed us, we have always been able to count on NXT, Wednesday nights on the WWE Network.

    The thing of it is though, one hour a week just doesn’t seem like enough for the best brand.

    Tuesday’s announcement has changed all that, with NXT getting a two-hour time slot on USA Network. Yes, this means that come October they will be head to head with AEW, but this was an inevitable change. NXT has deserved a bigger weekly spotlight than just the WWE Network. Of course, with change comes the question, is this the right thing?

    One can argue that NXT has perfected the one-hour time slot so what is the need for another hour? Well, change comes along all the time and for the people of NXT, they have worked a long time towards this. Change is scary, but this change is worth the risk. AEW, while their weekly show does not start until October, is coming in hot. The current WWE product isn’t at its very best, besides NXT. To compete, WWE has to do this, they have to do things that will challenge the competition. Fans have wanted more from WWE and a lot have asked for more NXT, we’re in a time where so many more options are becoming more available.

    Transitioning NXT to not only two hours, but also on the USA Network means more fans get eyes on the product. Let’s be honest here, not everyone has the WWE Network. Those that have the Network may only keep it because of NXT and PPVs.

    Take my dad as an example, he’s been a wrestling fan my entire life but has watched maybe three episodes of NXT. His lack of watching the NXT product is not because he doesn’t have the Network, but because frankly, there’s a lot going on so the Network isn’t the first thing he goes to. NXT being on live TV and two hours long gives fans, like my dad the chance to experience this new generation of superstars without having to navigate the Network. So many people have missed out on NXT because they lack access to the Network so this move to a longer show on mainstream TV is positive in this sense.

    For someone like me, who used to attend tapings at Full Sail regularly for almost two years, I understand fans concerns with a longer, live show, but I can’t help just being really proud of the brand. A two-hour weekly show, is realistically what NXT should have been all along. If you’ve been to an NXT taping they can sometimes feel like they are dragging on. Filming three to four episodes a taping is a lot and sitting there for those episodes can be a bit much. With two-hour weekly tapings, fans attending now have a clear plan of how their night will go. This isn’t a big deal for those who don’t go to tapings, but when you have work the morning after a long night of tapings it’s nice to be able to count on a schedule.

    Speaking of the previous tapings, one of the biggest positives of the news on Tuesday, NO MORE SPOILERS. A monthly, or even bi-monthly taping, that only occurs in Florida? Yeah, spoilers galore. Of course, there are ways of avoiding them, but that didn’t always work. Now, Wednesday nights fans can watch live and not have three or four episodes ruined at once. I know there are those of out there that will actively look for spoilers, whether it be a time restriction or maybe they’re just impatient, but sometimes it is nice to be surprised.

    I believe most people who are concerned about this change in NXT, are concerned because of one man: Vince McMahon. I understand the concern because NXT has been so good, for so long with little to none of his involvement. In my opinion, there is very little that would cause Triple H to give up control of his “baby.” NXT is way too important to him and giving Vince more control of it just doesn’t seem like something he would do. NXT will stay in H’s capable hands. Things will change though, they have to with adding an extra hour and going live weekly. Be a little more optimistic and open to it, the possibilities are there for NXT to be the talk of the town week after week, Vince or no Vince.

    I could argue Vince needs to be around to get to know these NXT superstars more. Look at previous, NXT call ups and what not really knowing them have done to their careers. When an NXT superstar gets the call to go to RAW or Smackdown, it seems like creative has no idea what to do with them. Vince doesn’t need to be involved with the weekly show, we can keep him far away from that; but for anyone from NXT to succeed on another brand, Vince should know more about their character. Hopefully, two hours on USA Network creative and Vince start paying more attention.

    The most exciting part, and most positive, of gaining an extra hour of NXT? More TV time for wrestlers who, with the current climate, have been getting no screen time. Take a look at the current NXT roster, it’s stacked, but barely half of the roster gets a chance to show off their skills within the current one-hour product. Wrestlers like: Boa, Cezar Bononi, Xia Li and others are going to benefit massively from a two-hour show.

    Candice LeRae is someone I believe will benefit a lot from the new NXT. She will get to truly be Candice LeRae. Candice could be the one to dethrone Shayna or she could establish a desperately needed tag team to go for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. Her career possibilities are wide open again.

    A two-hour show also has the possibility of NXT UK superstars making crossover appearances. We’ve seen how this works for Pete Dunne and many others on the UK roster could benefit by doing the same. The American audience can get to know the UK superstars more, which will put more eyes on the NXTUK product, and that is a huge win-win.

    As the third brand, we may get the wild card rule on NXT. Two hours is a lot to fill, bringing back former NXT stars once in a while would help to do that. There are endless possibilities of matches for someone like Cesaro to have with Riddle, Keith Lee, etc. It would also help the casual wrestling fan tune into NXT. For the first few weeks, possibly months, matches they can put together to bring eyes to the product will be helpful. Essentially, what they did when they started NXT the first time round, with feuds like Zayn vs. Cesaro and Natalya vs. Charlotte.

    While there are many things that could go wrong, NXT going to two hours weekly is ultimately a win. So many former superstars, coaches, and behind the scenes personnel have worked towards making this a reality. The world has been waiting for NXT to get their moment, it’s here and now it’s just up to the more than capable superstars, to keep doing what they have been.

    As with anything, this is a wait and see kind of game, but after everything the black and yellow brand has proven to us, the doubts should be rather minimal. NXT is the absolute best brand, so here is to its true takeover.

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    You can find the author of this article on Twitter @paigeyb88. Thanks for reading!