You know, I’ve sat here for weeks and weeks and watched AAW crap all over the greatest tag team of all time, La Sociedad Boricua. What gives guys? These guys are full-time roster members, working at multiple companies to try to make ends meet so they can come back to YOU, in Chicago, for every Alive taping, every PPV even though you don’t feature them on it.

So let’s take a look at the numbers La Sociedad Boricua draw in each show because I polled the fans at Destination: Chicago and they had a lot of things to say.
“La Sociedad Boricua? Who are they?” Obviously, an uneducated man who is only there for the beer.
“La Sociedad Boricua? I can’t stand them!” Clearly, someone that didn’t graduate grade school and has to belittle others.
“Oh La Sociedad Boricua? The guys that beat up women?” Ok, so let’s get to the real comments that definitely aren’t from me.
“La Sociedad Boricua is the greatest tag team in the history of AAW!”
“La Sociedad Boricua, I love these guys, they’re the best, they should be champions!”
“La Sociedad Boricua saved my life back in ’12. Without them, I’d be lost today!”
“Out of all the members of La Sociedad Boricua, Axel has the best ass,” said a random fan next to me at Destination: Chicago.

The fans clearly want to see these guys, and they clearly have a HUGE fan base. Have you noticed when the announcer said ‘La Sociedad Boricuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!’ all the fans boo their opponents right away? The moment they walk out, from bell to bell, the fans support them constantly by booing their opponents. I’ve never heard such rabid fans when they’re in the ring, the amount of sheer and utter respect these men draw is insane.
I also did a little number crunching for you guys at AAW. You see, La Sociedad Boricua could save you guys money in the long run. How? By booking them without a ref and letting them referee their own match. That way you don’t have to pay a referee for this match, enabling the ref to sit back and relax longer and refresh himself so he doesn’t make mistakes later on counting. Also, he wouldn’t mess up counts by being awestruck while in the presence of these two great men. By enabling the ref to relax and La Sociedad Boricua to referee their own matchup, you also save wrestlers being angry at a tired ref and beating the hell out of him as seen in Yehi/Mance in a cage when the tired referee miscounted and got beat up. This saves medical bills in the long run.

By giving La Sociedad Boricua the titles, attendance would be sold out at your shows too! Currently, at $50 for a front row, $30 for the second row, and $20 for general admission, these men as tag team main eventers would sell out a venue like MSQ, allowing AAW to rake in the cash while giving them a cut obviously as well. LSB would be more successful than those assholes in Infamy were, and you could even charge a couple hundred for your tickets. Think of all the money you’d make! If you sold out an arena the size of say, the Allstate Arena. That’s 18,500 seats. 18,500 fans chanting “La Sociedad Boricua! La Sociedad Boricua! La Sociedad Boricua!” All that money you could rake in. You could get pyros, better seats, bigger screens, it’s really a win-win for AAW and La Sociedad Boricua.

So why week after week do you put them down, and refuse to book these guys on PPVs? They’ve likely turned down multi-million dollar contracts from WWE and AEW to be in AAW because it’s where the people are. Where their fans are. La Sociedad Boricua is AAW, it’s heart and soul! The ball is in your court, AAW. I think these guys outta get some recognition, don’t you?