Like many promotions, MLW closed its doors at the start of the pandemic. As time has progressed, and the level of restriction imposed on wrestling promotions has decreased, a number of promotions have reopened in various forms.

    However, a number of promotions, including MLW, have remained shut. Dr Sweglar, MLW’s chief medical physician, sat down with to talk about the pandemic, the future, and what this could mean for MLW.

    “We’ve seen some sports league find success while some have struggled this summer with their restarts,” said Dr. Sweglar. “Our approach has been to be as careful as possible in evaluating the league’s timeline to a return to competition.”

    While the world focuses its efforts on producing a vaccine for the disease, Dr Sweglar spoke about the realities of producing one.

    “A vaccine is a tool, of sorts, to control the virus,” continued Dr. Sweglar. “There is great possibility the vaccine won’t be 98% effective and could perhaps be as low as 50% effective, which would be the floor for FDA approval. There’s also an outside possibility efficacy alludes us for some time.”

    The interview comes in the same week which Dr Sweglar went to Johns Hopkins to discuss advances in treatment for the virus and procedures in the sports world for operating with a safe environment.