Ring of Honor: Final Battle 2021 | Date: December 11, 2021
    Arena: Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena | Location: Baltimore, Maryland

    Final Battle 2021: Dragon Lee vs. King Horus

    Combat between two masked fighters who love to fly. After a couple of exciting near falls, the duel ended with the victory of Dragon Lee, after he landed a well-aimed knee to the back of the head.

    Winner : Dragon Lee
    Rating : 7/10

    Four Corner Survival match for the ROH World Television Championship:
    Dalton Castle (c) vs. Rhett Titus vs. Silas Young vs. Joe Hendry

    Champion Dalton Castle was the one who shone the most in the opening minutes, both in the ring and in the interaction with the fans. However, who ended up winning and winning the title was Rhett Titus, after a kind of Dropkick on Silas Young.

    Winner : Rhett Titus
    Rating : 7/10

    Pure Rules match for the ROH Pure Championship:
    Josh Woods (c) vs. Brian Johnson

    Brian Johnson used the first rope break during the first 30 seconds of combat and used the second before the end of the first minute of combat. The third was used at nine minutes.
    Brian Johnson was trying everything, including cheating, to take the lead, but was bumping into the resilience of Josh Woods, who won by submission after a Front Choke at the top of one of the corners.

    Winner : Josh Woods
    Rating : 5/10

    Final Battle 2021: Fight Without Honor:
    Kenny King vs. Shane Taylor

    Fight under extreme rules, in which Kenny King planted Shane Taylor on a table, from the top of one of the corners, in the opening minutes. Then he used kendo sticks to hurt his opponent. Minutes later, Shane Taylor returned the favor, sending Kenny King across a table in the wake of a Diving Splash. However, Kenny King made it 2-1 as far as split tables were concerned, planting Shane Taylor through a Death Valley Driver of sorts.

    Then Kenny King went further and climbed almost to the top of a ladder to dive on Shane Taylor, who was lying on another ladder. However, the settlement that followed did not give him victory. Shortly after, Taylor also fought back using a ladder, this time to apply a Piledriver on top of a ladder that was outside the ring. However, it was after a chair kick and a new Piledriver , this time in the center of the ring, that he achieved triumph.

    Winner : Shane Taylor
    Rating : 8.5/10

    Final Battle 2021: ROH Women’s World Championship:
    Rok-C(c) vs. Willow

    A fight in which the powerful Willow dominated Rok-C for many minutes, using her strength to impose herself on her opponent. However, the champion resisted everything and ended up achieving victory through a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. Still, Willow is a name to stick with: she has a different look, talent and charisma.

    Winner : Rok-C
    Rating : 5.5/10

    Final Battle 2021: EC3, Eli Isom, Taylor Rust and Tracy Williams vs. VLNCE UNLTD (Brody King, Homicide and Tony Deppen) and Rocky Romero

    A tag team match that became progressively chaotic, but also a tribute to former ROH stars, as the protagonists of this feud began to apply blows from fighters from the promoter’s past. Brody King gave his team the victory after an Over the shoulder backbreaker lift into piledriver on Eli Isom.

    Winners : VLNCE UNLTD (Brody King, Homicide, Rocky Romero and Tony Deppen)
    Rating : 7/10

    Final Battle 2021: ROH World Tag Team Championship:
    The OGK (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe)

    Combat involving four fighters who left their skin in the ring in order to provide a great show. Not even Maria Kanellis escaped, after suffering a Spear from her husband Mike Bennett. And I don’t think I’ll forget the fantastic Doomsday Device by The OGK anytime soon. There was no shortage of exciting near falls either, with Matt Taven resisting a Jay Driller and a Doomsday Device . However, he did not rise from the settlement after a Froggy Bow from Mark Briscoe.

    Winners : The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe) (new champions)
    Rating : 8.5/10

    Final Battle 2021: ROH World Championship:
    Jonathan Gresham vs. Jay Lethal

    Combat between two very technical African-Americans, played at a slightly slower pace than some of tonight’s previous duels. Maybe that’s why he didn’t deserve the chants “ Fight Forever! ” that were heard in others. Jonathan Gresham eventually won via submission, via an Octopus .

    Winner : Jonathan Gresham (New Champion)
    Rating : 6/10