That time once again folks, the quarterly Stardom Unit Rankings. Not a whole lot has changed since the last rankings, but there have definitely been some title changes and new or returning members, so without blowing a lot of hot air up your butts, I’ll just hop right into the list this time. Something to remember folks, this is my personal opinion and I am sure that there are people who will not agree with me at all… Under God’s Eye.

    6. Donna del Mondo| Members: Giulia (L), Maika, Himeka, Thekla & Mai Sakurai (-1)

    Donna del Mondo drops a spot to number six in this quarters rankings, despite Giulia winning this years 5 Star Grand Prix. The group has seen a lot of success in recent months, gaining the crown for this years 5 Star GP, but it almost feels like DDM is stuck in a state of limbo for me. Other units are gaining new members and growing in popularity while DDM is seeming to fall by the wayside. Even if Giulia dethrones Syuri this December for the World of Stardom Championship, there needs to be something huge for DDM to regain the glory that they held last year. I’m sorry to say it, but I don’t see DDM ending this year anywhere near the number one spot.

    Championships Currently Held: None

    5. Queen’s Quest| Members: Utami Hayashishita (L), Saya Kamitani, AZM, Hina, Lady C & Miyu Amasaki (-1)

    Queen’s Quest drops to the number 5 spot this quarter, despite holding two of Stardom’s championships for a long time now. They had a fairly good showing during this years 5 Star Grand Prix with AZM, Saya Kamitani and Utami Hayashishita busting their butts to get as many points as they did. The unfortunate thing for the Queens is that they are stagnating. They’re not in enough of a decline to drop too far in the rankings but not doing enough to rise in them either. It’s quite the conundrum for this group of highly talented women to be in. I think the Queen’s need a miracle if they are to start rising in the rankings going forward.

    Championships Currently Held:

    • AZM | High-Speed Championship
    • Saya Kamitani | Wonder of Stardom Championship

    4. Cosmic Angels| Members: Tam Nakano (L), Mina Shirakawa, Unagi Sayaka (Part Time/Freelancer), Waka Tsukiyama, Natsupoi, Saki, Hikari Shimizu, Rina Amikura & Yuko Sakurai (-2)

    Despite gaining a championship for the unit, The Cosmic Angels unfortunately drop a couple of spots in this quarters rankings. Unagi Sayaka has become a freelancer and isn’t a full-time member of the Angels anymore and that really hurts the group in my opinion. Tam Nakano has done her best to lead the Angels to prominense but there is just too much going against them at the present time. This includes Tam losing in the finals of the 5 Star Grand Prix to Giulia, Unagi Sayaka only winning two matches and Mina Shirakawa failing to threaten for the top spot in the tournament. Something needs to change for the Angels or they are in danger of falling further from grace.

    Championships Currently Held:

    • Tam Nakano and Natsupoi | Goddess of Stardom Champions

    3. STARS | Members: Mayu Iwatani (L), Hazuki, Koguma, Hanan, Saya Iida & Momo Kohgo (-2)

    STARS loses the top spot this quarter and this comes on the heels of losing two of their three championships. Despite their best efforts in this years 5 Star Grand Prix, none of the members were able to get into the finals. Hell, three of their members failed to gain more than four points and that just isn’t good enough. Losing the Goddess of Stardom Championship and the Future of Stardom Championship really hurt Mayu’s unit this quarter but the leader has a real chance to bring them back to the top spot. Mayu Iwatani has the chance to become the first IWGP Women’s Champion but she has to get through a rejuvenated KAIRI to earn that honor and that will be a tough task. For now, STARS stands at number three and they need a lot of good fortune to turn this sinking ship around.

    Championships Currently Held:

    • Mayu Iwatani | SWA World Championship

    2. Oedo Tai | Members: Natsuko Tora (L), Starlight Kid, Momo Watanabe, Saki Kashima, Rina, Ruaka & Fukigen Death (+1)

    Oh so close, Oedo Tai. You were oh so close to regaining the top spot in this quarters rankings. How did they manage to do this, you might be asking yourself. Well, the answer is fairly simple and the biggest reason they jumped to number 2 is the return of their leader, Natsuko Tora. Tora has been missing since a knee injury sidelined her for over a year and she is looking to make a major impact in Stardom once again. Add to her return, Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid and Saki Kashima all did phenomenally in this years 5 Star Grand Prix with Saki Kashima in particular perhaps surprising the world by playing the spoiler and pulling huge upsets over some of the major favorites this year. Oedo Tai is as good as they ever were and gaining momentum, despite not caring one bit for wins and losses, for they are Anarchy incarnate and damn good at it.

    Championships Currently Held:

    • Saki Kashima, Starlight Kid and Momo Watanabe| Artist of Stardom Champions

    1. God’s Eye | Members: Syuri (L), Ami Sourei, Mirai, Tomoka Inaba, Konami (Part-time, not pictured) and Nanami (Not pictured) (+5)

    God’s Eye has seen a real surge in the last couple months and momentum is on their side. They’ve added new members in Tomoka Inaba and Nanami, confirmed that Konami is a part time member and they have gained two championships to add to the fold. With the addition of Tomoka Inaba, God’s Eye increased their reach into the world of Just Tap Out Professional Wrestling and the 16 year old Nanami makes for an interesting addition to this fledgeling group. The future is looking pretty good for God’s Eye and they have a real chance keep the top spot in next quarters rankings. Keep your eyes on the 20 year old Tomoka Inaba, that young lady is a real special talent.

    Championships Currently Held:

    • Syuri| World of Stardom Champion
    • Ami Sourei| Future of Stardom Champion
    • Tomoka Inaba| Queen of Just Tap Out Champion