Welcome Home Kairi! That’s right party people, Kairi is officially back home in Stardom. Nearly 5 years ago, while she was wrestling there, she was highly regarded as one of the top three women’s wrestlers in the world. That was alongside longtime partners Mayu Iwatani and Io Shirai of course. A lot has changed in Stardom over the last five years, something that Kairi has already discovered thanks to her press conference, but the Pirate Princess is in phenomenal shape and she says she is ready to get back to the ring as soon as possible. With that, in part one of my three-part series for Kairi’s return, I am going to pick five women currently in Stardom that I want to see Kairi face-off with one-on-one, as well as my excitement level for the potential match. One of my original picks is already a scheduled match, so I’ll mention that one as well. That said, let’s get right into it, shall we?

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    Honorable Mention: Starlight Kid – Oedo Tai

    As soon as it was 100% confirmed that Kairi was indeed back in Stardom and wanted to wrestle full time, the very first name that came to my mind for a match was Starlight Kid. The former High-Speed champion has completely reinvented herself over the last 9 months and is someone that Kairi has never faced off with one-on-one. Why is she an honourable mention then? Well, Stardom has officially booked this match already for later this month. On March 27th in Ryogoku Kokugikan on day 2 of the Stardom World Climax 2022 shows. Day one features her in-ring return teaming with Mayu Iwatani against Tam Nakano and Unagi Sayaka.

    This match against Starlight Kid is going to be huge, in my opinion, and it’s one that I absolutely cannot wait to see. Kairi is one of my all-time favourite Joshi performers and Starlight Kid is perhaps my current favourite in Stardom, so this match has me torn about who I wanna root for, but I know for a fact that this match is going to be absolutely amazing and it’s one that all wrestling fans should be looking forward to watching.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★★

    Welcome Home Kairi! | 5. AZM (Azumi) – Queen’s Quest

    The current High-Speed Champion, AZM, has really only faced Kairi one-on-one once, and that was in a gauntlet match when Kairi was set to depart from Stardom. Until that point, they only ever really faced off in trio’s matches and usually for the Artist’s belt. This is kind of strange since they both came into Stardom in the same class of trainees. That said, the High-Speed Bomb Girl would be a phenomenal test for the returning Kairi as she is one of the very best that Stardom has to offer. It’s so cool too that she is that damned good in the ring and she is only 19 years old! AZM always gives her matches 110% of her being and she throws everything into the ring. Her love for wrestling shows and that’s why she’s made the list today.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★★

    Welcome Home Kairi!
    4. Giulia – Donna del Mondo

    Up next today is the leader of Donna del Mondo, Giulia. Giulia and Kairi have never faced off one-on-one and that is why she makes the list today. In fact, according to Cagematch, there has never been a match between these two. That alone makes this a Joshi fan’s wet dream of a match.

    Giulia, despite her criticisms and history of injuries, is near the top of the pecking order when it comes to Stardom and she has earned herself a World Title match coming up against Syuri. While I personally want Kairi to win the Wonder title, as I think it suits her best, I would love any feud between Kairi and Giulia to be for a belt. Whether it’s the red World or the white Wonder. Giulia was poised to be a favourite at last year’s 5★ Grand Prix until a neck injury eliminated her from the tournament. She’s already had a hell of a start to 2022 and I think she faces Kairi sooner rather than later. Make it happen, Rossy.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★ 1/2

    Welcome Home Kairi!
    3. Utami Hayashishita – Queen’s Quest

    Another woman that Kairi has never gone one-on-one with within Stardom is the Red Queen, Utami Hayashishita. Utami had one of the best World title reigns in history, clocking over 400 days as champion. That’s not unheard of in the world of wrestling, but the fact that Utami has only been wrestling professionally for three years just makes it impressive. She’s already one of the top stars in Stardom and she’s proven that she can carry the company on her back if it’s asked of her. Big Daddy’s Third Daughter would provide a stiff test for the returning Kairi and its one that I do not see the Pirate Princess turning away from.

    Kairi vs Utami could main event any show in Stardom, for the belt or not, and it’s a match that Rossy and co would be foolish not to book as soon as possible.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★ 1/2

    Welcome Home Kairi! | 2. Mayu Iwatani – STARS

    Come on guys, did you really think I wouldn’t put Mayu Iwatani on this list? I know that Mayu and Kairi have a lot of history together. From being a team to being opponents, Mayu and Kairi have faced off countless times and every time they are in the ring together they tear the house down. Five years have passed since Kairi was in a Stardom ring and Mayu has had a lot happen to her in that time. She’s seen betrayal, she’s gained new allies, she’s held titles and she’s still the best woman’s wrestler in the world. I don’t care what any of you stans think unless your argument is for Io Shirai you are wrong. Mayu and Kairi will be teaming up in Kairi’s return match but god I wanna see them go at it one-on-one again. It’s a match I’ve been dying to see again for years and I cannot wait until it happens.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★★

    Welcome Home Kairi! | 1. Tam Nakano – Cosmic Angels

    The only reason Mayu didn’t take the top spot is that I couldn’t justify putting someone Kairi has faced numerous times in the past as the top spot. That said, I wanna see Kairi go one-on-one with Tam Nakano almost as much as I wanna see her go against Starlight Kid. Sure, we’re getting the match in a tag team capacity on March 26th but I want a single match between these two so bad. Tam Nakano, the cutest in the cosmos, has never once faced off with Kairi. That fact alone is bad enough, but with how good Tam and Kairi are in the ring, it’s a damned shame it’s never happened. I’m begging you, Rossy, on my knees if I have to, please give the world Kairi vs Nakano one-on-one. The match prints money, admit it.

    Excitement Level: ★★★★★