During the Superstar Shake-Up in April, Buddy Murphy was promoted from 205 Live to SmackDown after he lost the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania 35 to former partner, Tony Nese.

    The Juggernaut of 205 Live then made just one appearance on SmackDown, during Shane McMahon’s ‘Town Hall Meeting’ in July simply telling Kevin Owens to keep his name out of his mouth after Kevin named Buddy as a competitor not receiving screen time, thanks to Shane McMahon. He quickly became ingrained in a storyline with Roman Reigns, it has recently come out as inadvertent so we can make this an honorary addition to one of my previous lists regarding happy mistakes. With this occurrence he has had two matches against two main event stars on SmackDown, as well as becoming an entrant in the King of the Ring 2019. Coming up from a tag team in NXT alongside Wesley Blake, to Cruiserweight Champion and now to a solid mid-card talent on SmackDown, as well as a credible contender for the King of the Ring, but that last one is just my opinion. He has had some fantastic matches on these three brands, and here are five of the best.

    5. Buddy Murphy vs Roman Reigns – SmackDown Live, 13th July 2019

    We start with his first match he had on the main roster against Roman Reigns. During a backstage segment, equipment fell onto Roman Reigns (very poorly but they did fall). He was seen in the background and inadvertently became a part of this storyline with everyone believing he was the culprit.

    The week prior to this match, Reigns entered the locker room and threw Murphy around trying to get out of him the information he required, who was responsible for the equipment. Buddy challenged Reigns to a match on SmackDown via Twitter, whichh Reigns agreed to and this was easily the best match on WWE TV that week. Although Buddy is not a small man, his 205lbs weight is a definite lie, he would be considered smaller compared to The Big Dog.

    A hard-hitting match, which had fans believing that Buddy could actually pull off an upset, before being hit with an absolutely monstrous spear which caused him to flip backwards from the power of Reigns. Buddy hit all of his strong offence but unfortunately did fall short. However, he wasn’t taken lightly as the camera panned to Reigns after the match, you can see him nodding in approval towards the ‘upstart’. 

    4. Buddy Murphy vs Cedric Alexander – Super Show-Down 2018

    Now the match where he won the WWE Cruiserweight Championship in one of his best matches, but again that is just my opinion. In a packed-out stadium in Buddy’s hometown of Melbourne, we saw an incredible back and forth match pitting him against the former champion, Cedric Alexander. Not only was this a major factor, but Cedric hadn’t lost a match in the entirety of 2018.

    An instant hometown advantage as Buddy comes out with the Australian flag tucked into his shorts, and one of the loudest pops we’ve heard in recent time, it felt like this was his moment. Buddy used this to his advantage coming out of the gate hot and controlling the match, instantly hitting a flying knee as well as being the much larger competitor. Buddy uses his extremely stiff strikes to keep Cedric grounded but Cedric returned the favour with his signature discus elbows.

    Cedric used his slight quickness advantage to turn things around. Cedric hit a Michinoku Driver from the top rope, only to gain a near-fall. The driver from the top put Cedric on top hitting his own dives and signature moves looking to put Buddy down but he kept kicking out. Buddy went to hit a Sunset Flip from the top, Cedric holds on and Buddy hits his own version of Will Ospreay’s ‘Cheeky Nando’s Kick’ for a two count. He even hit the running Spanish Fly and the Lumbar Check with Buddy kicking out at two, inviting the entire crowd to just chant for the hometown boy.

    Buddy eventually hit Murphy’s Law for the win and created an absolutely ridiculous noise from the crowd. It was an incredible moment for him to win in his hometown, and for the crowd who had the misfortune to see the Iiconics lose earlier in the night.

    3. Buddy Murphy vs Daniel Bryan – Smackdown, 20th July 2019

    Buddy’s most recent match to date as I write this, set up after Daniel Bryan and Rowan called Buddy a liar for saying Rowan was the perpetrator for the attacks on Roman.

    Bryan started the match grabbing the microphone calling Buddy a liar and a coward as well as saying he’s going to reveal the real attacker. As the bell rings, Buddy starts the match the same as he did against Roman, hitting him with a flying knee and gaining a level of advantage over Bryan, before Bryan used his knowledge, and his teeth, the gain the momentum. Bryan constantly calls Buddy a liar throughout the match, spending a lot of time dominating. Bryan targeted Buddy’s right arm, locking in the LeBell Lock on his left arm trying to neutralize Buddy’s power, before turning the submission into a Rings of Saturn, targeting both arms and the leg.

    Bryan hit his former ‘Yes Kicks’, absolutely brutalizing Buddy telling him to ‘stay down’, with Buddy constantly getting up and in my opinion showed some babyface tendencies against the mega-heel. After a back and forth of strikes, Buddy hits his own Kamigoye and a Brainbuster, only for Bryan to get his foot on the rope. Rowan stands on the apron trying to distract Buddy, only to receive a Superkick for his troubles. Buddy hits a knee and Murphy’s Law to pick up an absolutely monumental win over the former WWE Champion. 

    2. Buddy Murphy vs Mustafa Ali – Survivor Series 2018

    Mustafa Ali came into this match to right a wrong after he lost his chance for the title at WrestleMania 34 to Cedric Alexander, whereas Buddy was defending the title for the first time after winning at Super Show-Down.

    I really liked the back and forth start, avoiding each other’s strikes with Buddy’s having a big more vinegar behind them as he was easily shaking of Ali’s attempts, solidifying the nickname Buddy had received; the Juggernaut of 205 Live. Each competitor made their specific traits known and used them to their advantage; Buddy with his power, Ali with his athleticism and speed. Buddy managed to take advantage as Ali climbed to the top rope before Murphy slid underneath the ropes and launched him from the top into the barricade.

    Ali regained some momentum but this was extremely short lived as he went to hit his rolling X-Factor with Buddy throwing him over the top rope and hitting a dive to the outside. Ali somehow gets back into it, hitting two Superkicks and a Reverse Rana, only for the two count.

    One of the best moments of this match came when Ali hit a DDT on Buddy who was in between the ropes before attempting the 054 only for Buddy to take his legs out from underneath him and caused Ali to crash to the floor hitting his face on the apron.

    Whilst on the outside Buddy clears the announce table with bad intentions, before Ali reversed it and hit a jumping Spanish Fly from the table to the floor. Ali went for a Springboard Crossbody only to be met with a flying knee and Murphy’s Law, as Buddy retained his title in a fantastic match that wasn’t on the pre-show. It was actually on the main show, of Survivor Series, in the middle as well. Great promotion for 205 and both competitors. 

    1. Buddy Murphy vs Tony Nese – Wrestlemania 35

    This was Buddy’s last match in 205 Live, before he was drafted away, defending and losing the Cruiserweight Championship to Tony Nese.

    Nese had been built as the biggest babyface in the division as well as the friend turned foe of Buddy. The match starts with Nese controlling, seemingly having his former friends’ number, avoiding all strikes and countering everything Buddy threw at him. Buddy picked up some control but seemed to just be quashed by Tony, even resulting in Buddy receiving a cut above his left eye.

    Murphy did perfectly portray the desperate heel attempting to cling onto his title and defend himself against the absolute onslaught by Tony Nese. The end of the match came as Buddy attempted the ‘Running Nese’ to humiliate his opponent, before Nese popped and hit Murphy with a Superkick, a German Suplex into the turnbuckles and his own Running Nese for the win. Even though he did lose, Buddy put up a valiant fight to win, and was rewarded as he was drafted to the main roster. 

    With the King of the Ring and a potential babyface turn in his future, Buddy can realistically become a high mid-card to main event talent and potentially the WWE Champion in a year or so. He is hands down one of the hottest members of the roster currently and I can see his stock growing further, he has the looks, the move set and the mic skills to be one of the best. But, only time will tell. 

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