It has been nearly a year since Becky Lynch relinquished the Raw Women’s Championship and announced her pregnancy, in December of last year she and her fiance Seth Rollins welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Roux.

    Since we are getting close to a full year of a Becky Lynchless roster the rumours have started swirling that the Irish Lass Kicker is going to be making her return to the ring. With the Raw Women’s title scene becoming a little stagnant over the past few months this couldn’t come at a better time.

    When Lynch does make her eventual return what will the plan be? Will she go after the championship she never lost or will she start a new feud that we have not seen before. Let’s take a look at the five possibilities below.


    Asuka | WWE

    This is the low-hanging fruit when it comes to Lynch’s return feuds. When Asuka won the Women’s Money in the Bank match she was awarded the Raw Women’s Championship due to Lynch leaving.

    It would make sense to have Lynch come back and try to reclaim the title that she never lost.

    The two also have great chemistry. Asuka was the one roadblock for Lynch on her way to becoming a dominant champion. The story that the two told when Lynch was trying to score a win against Asuka was fantastic. The matches as well were what one would come to expect from two world-class wrestlers like themselves.


    Charlotte Flair | WWE

    Well, the Queen has to come upon this list whether we like it or not. The WWE has pushed Charlotte to the moon since coming into the WWE and it has been growing old.

    Fans have begun to rebel against Charlotte because of this constant push as we are all hoping for someone new to spend their time in the spotlight.

    Regardless of the WWE Universe’s feeling towards Charlotte, she is easily one of the best wrestlers in the world. Her matches are entertaining from start to finish and she is a very safe worker.

    With the history between her and Becky, it would make perfect sense to have this be Lynch’s return feud. Charlotte is going for Asuka at Wrestlemania so having Lynch come back to lay her claim to a title shot would be an easy story to tell.

    Rhea Ripley

    Rhea Ripley | WWE

    Ripley was a great up-and-coming star before the WWE decided to halt her push at Wrestlemania last year.  Naturally, they had to have Charlotte win yet another championship.

    Following the WWE’s botch of Ripley, they seemed to hit a hard reset this year and had her go on a dominant run at the Royal Rumble. Even though she didn’t win the match, getting eliminated by Bianca Bel-Air, she looked amazing.

    So it looks as if the WWE will be trying to push Ripley again and thank god. The Raw roster requires some new blood and her being there provides some fresh matchups. One of the most tantalizing matchups has to be against Becky Lynch.

    Becky Lynch was the biggest name in the Women’s division. Her popularity skyrocketed higher than anyone could have imagined when she went on her historic run a few years ago. Putting her against Ripley upon her return would give Lynch a fresh feud to go into as well as give Ripley instant credibility. Go ahead and book this WWE.

    Nia Jax

    Nia Jax | WWE

    Nia can be given some credit for helping Lynch on her upward career trajectory.  It was her botch of a punch that split Lynch open and gave us the great visual of a bloody Lynch standing defiantly in the crowd.

    If the WWE were looking to have Lynch go over in her first feud back, and why wouldn’t they, then this would make a lot of sense. Jax has a built-in backstory with Lynch and it would be a good way to have Lynch get her feet wet again.

    After being off for nearly a year there is going to be some ring rust.

    Lynch is also one of the best women in the stick in the company. Having her go against Jax would allow her to have some fun with the memes currently all over the internet.  It would provide for some truly hilarious moments.

    Peyton Royce

    Peyton Royce | WWE

    Peyton had not been on anyone’s radar, including this writer, until her promo this past week. Royce showed a passion that we had not seen before and we were hanging on her every word.

    No one knew that she had it in her and that firey promo might just be the thing to get Royce to the next level.

    What had happened with Royce was the same type of push that had occurred with Becky Lynch years before. They were both floundering in the mid-card before they had their defining moments. Lynch became one of the hottest acts in the company and Peyton could very well be on her way.

    Having a returning Lynch work a program with Royce would be a huge shot in the arm for the up and comer. It would also be helpful for Royce to work with Lynch, who went through the same rise to fame that Royce seems to be on right now.

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