I find the hatred and disdain towards this year’s WrestleMania card hilarious! From the dirt sheets to just any Joe blow that thinks they could do it better. Is it perfect? Absolutely not! But has any WrestleMania card ever been? Even beloved shows such as WrestleMania X-Seven (often heralded as the greatest of all time) featured matches like the APA vs Right to Censor. No show is ever perfect.

    Is WrestleMania XXX perfect? Far from it! But it’s also capable of presenting one of the greatest wrestling moments in history. Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship (if indeed he does) will go down as one of the most memorable, fan-responsive moments EVER!

    Sure, the battle royal is a bit of a let down compared to Money in the Bank matches from the mid-2000’s, but people revere some of those old-school battle royals as classics…were those matches from WrestleMania II and XIV really any better than what we’re going to get? And would 5 or 6 one-on-one matches, between some of those competitors, really be any better than a big spectacle match that gets a bunch of guys on the card?

    And yes, this is the most poorly built Undertaker feud in years, but it will still be better than any of his matches before 2001…

    Not to mention, this year presents John Cena’s most intriguing WrestleMania opponent since, well, ever? Will the right man win, or will Cena just get another notch on his invincible belt? One must assume the young lion will prevail.

    This is the last time I can remember so many “young” talent on the card since WrestleMania XIV, and that show was pretty great….

    Things aren’t so bad with the WWE. This show is a HUGE let down from what it could be, don’t get me wrong, but it could also be so SO much worse. I honestly think this show will be incredibly entertaining. From start to finish? Hell no! But what WrestleMania ever has been?

    – By Kevin Hudson (Guest Writer)