WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley Says He Had to Speak Out About President Donald Trump because he want’s to be on ‘The Right Side of History’;

    “I really do feel like future generations are going to study this period of time and wonder how we stood by and let so much go wrong,” he says. “I want to be on the right side of history.”

    Foley, 55, says he’ll be voting for Trump’s rival Joe Biden on Nov. 3, but he first wants to warn his fans about what he sees as a legitimate danger if Trump is re-elected. He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame alongside President Donald Trump, 74, who was also made a Hall of Famer that year for his celebrity guest appearances on the company’s shows and his part in the early Wrestlemanias.

    Foley says the politicization of a pandemic that has killed nearly 200,000 people in the U.S., and the newly released recordings showing Trump had knowingly downplayed it, led the veteran wrestler to a personal ultimatum — after a tense run-in with a group of people outside a South Carolina convenience store who ridiculed him for wearing a mask.

    “I said, ‘I’m wearing this to keep you safe,’ ” Foley recalls. “I don’t know, we’ve lost something along the way. And it’s been aided and abetted by the president, who seems way more concerned with being re-elected than he does with keeping us safe.”

    “Deep down,” he says, “I need to feel like I’m doing what I can.”

    “I know the country’s very divided and I have a pretty diverse following,” Foley says. “But as things progressed in this administration, I just felt like we were going down a really bad and dangerous path. I just wanted to have some public record for my own children and grandchildren to point to decades down the road to show that their father, or their grandfather, at least tried to do something.”