Mike Johnson of PWInisder.com wrote the following on Thursday afternoon… “WWE NXT star Velveteen Dream was released today by the company, according to multiple sources.”

    Velveteen is the latest of several WWE NXT stars that were cut from the company this week. It was previously reported that Dream was backstage at the May 10th 2021 edition of WWE RAW but noted that there were never any plans for Dream to appear on television. Patrick previously won Tough Enough.

    There were accusations made towards Dream as part of the #SpeakingOut movement in the spring of 2020. Since the accusations were made public, Dream has been used sparingly on WWE programming and his last appearance was on the Dec 23rd 2020 edition of WWE NXT.

    In April 2020, Clark was accused of sending indecent images to underage boys on Instagram after a Reddit user posted screenshots of what appeared to be a naked Clark on the subreddit r/SquaredCircle, although Clark has denied these allegations. In June 2020, Clark again made national headlines after new allegations were made that he sent a sexually explicit photo to an underage girl as well as having inappropriate communications with underage boys and grooming them amidst the Speaking Out movement. WWE claimed they investigated the allegations and “didn’t find anything”.