Matthew Roberts – The Macho Men

    So it’s that time of year again when thoughts turn to the Survivor Series.  As I already had put together my ultimate Survivor Series Dream Team together for TWM last year, I thought I would mix things up a little bit and put together a team of dream opponents for my original quintet. 

    Last year’s “Showstoppers” consisted of the following; Shawn Michaels (captain), Brock Lesnar, Terry Funk, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard.  But who have I chosen this year to go five-on-five for the right to survive…?  Well read on!


    macho men survivor

    It will come as no surprise to anyone that knows me that I consider Shawn Michaels the greatest in-ring performer of “my” generation.  That means we will need one hell of a performer to lead the Showstopper’s opponents into action.  And I can look no further than what was a popular choice last time around for a number of different writers’ teams, RANDY “MACHO MAN” SAVAGE.  He was one of those workers who, in his prime, elevated everyone he worked with and whilst those particular talents wouldn’t necessarily be needed with the line-up’s here, his leadership skills and all-round excellence make him a perfect figure head.  His intensity would seep through to his team-mates and you would know that however the battle went, this team of five would not be faulted on effort. 

    If you’re going to go toe-to-toe in terms of brute strength with the Beast Incarnate himself on the opposition side, you need someone who can both take the pain and dish it out.  Whilst BIG VAN VADER knew his real strengths lay in the “worked” business he was one hellacious killing machine in his prime.  He would be able to go toe to toe with not only Lesnar, but would match a little bit of Terry Funk’s craziness as well.

    And talking about craziness, every Survivor Series team needs something a little different, something a little unpredictable, something that might swing things their way when all else seems lost.  And if it’s craziness you want, you need look no further than “ROWDY” RODDY PIPER. To paraphrase the man himself, just when the Showstoppers thought they had all the answers, the Hot Rod would be just the man to start changing the questions.  He’s not adverse to fighting dirty either, and whilst that may cost his team a man in terms of a disqualification the damage he could do before than point could even up those odds.

    The Brainbusters round up the Showstoppers team and whilst not necessarily limiting myself to tag team’s for the final two members of the Macho Men there is a need to ensure that any great Survivor Series team has some built in team-work within their members.  It’s adds solidity to the proceedings and allows a quicker gelling of the team.  However in the end it HAD to be another tag team and there was no other choice than Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid, THE BRITISH BULLDOGS.  Tough as nails, but with great technical and high-flying ability, these two would add not only cohesion and some great double team manoeuvres to the Macho Men, they would also not take a backwards step to anyone on the opposition.  Even if, in the case of the Kid, they were outweighed considerably by at least one of the heavyweights on the other side.

    I think the Showstoppers vs The Macho Men would go down as one as the greatest Survivor Series matches of all time.  As for who would win…well that’s something for you to decide!

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