John Huxall – Team Rebellion

    Captain: Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Chris Jericho
    Dolph Ziggler
    Dean Ambrose
    Daniel Bryan

    Rebellion Survivor

    So with Survivor Series fast approaching, here is my submission (pun intended) for the build up with my dream team! This was much harder than I actually imagined, as you get a team in your head then you swap one after thinking of a better one then another and you end up with almost a whole new team!

    The thought behind Team Rebellion is 5 superstars who have had problems and feud’s against an Authority figure within WWE, and done their damn hardest to fight back against them – Rebelling!

    Captain – Stone Cold Steve Austin

    The KING of fighting against Authority. Nobody knows more how to take on, fight, and take down just about everybody above him. This’s is what makes him such a gracious leader. You all know his amazing feud against Vince McMahon so I don’t need to go into detail with that. For those of you lucky enough to be too young to have seen this the first time round, just type ‘Austin beer truck McMahon’ into a popular video website and kick back. His promo against Bret Hart at Survivor Series ’96 was so good, filmed in a dark dingy alley and I’m sure given the chance he could create more that are even better.

    Chris Jericho

    Second in command, a legend of the wrestling scene. Plenty of experience built up in Japan, WCW and leading into WWE with one of the best debuts in the history of the business, interrupting The Great One! The dude has balls, and he has a serious number of moves (1,004 to be exact) within his set. He’s no stranger to the PPV after numerous matches including bouts against John Cena and The Undertaker. He also has one of my favourite finishers, The Walls Of Jericho. When he pulls you into the middle of the ring and applies that, say goodnight and get tapping! As the millions of Jerichoholics cheer on!

    Dolph Ziggler

    The PG Era’s underdog has been working hard over the past few years to earn his spot as a title holder and he’s finally there. The Show Off has got the moves, he has the look and I’m hopeful that he will eventually be able to take the next step up the corporate ladder into to the main event field. With such momentum he has earned a spot in my team, and I know he can go on to be the next generation of Superstar. Not forgetting his win over Team Foley at Survivor Series 2012, he is an important member of the team.

    Dean Ambrose

    The time of the lunatic has arrived. This era’s Brian Pillman the psycho is currently enthralled within a battle against The Authority. His brother has sold him out and he has not taken it well. The Indy champion has stamped his mark within the WWE and the whole WWE Universe love him! He has Dirty Deeds as his finishing move , and he means business!

    Daniel Bryan

    Our beloved Goatface has been against the Authority for over a year now from his underdog status, to his Yes Movement, #OccupyRaw, and of course beating all of Evolution at WrestleMania! He has an impressive CV behind him, and although he is out recovering at the moment (Get Well Soon D-Bry!) his inclusion within my team is of course at him at full strength!

    As you can see, the main driving force behind Team Rebellion is the will to not give up, and to keep on fighting for what you believe in. Believe in yourself and you will go far!

    See you at Survivor Series!

    Well there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our countdown is well underway and some formidable teams have been put forward! Do you agree with our team? Who would YOU have in YOUR Survivor Series dream team? Let us know! We’d love to hear it.

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