We are now just 4 weeks away from one of the biggest Pay-Per-Views of the year, Survivor Series. As always with the big PPV’s on The Wrestling Mania we like to showcase these events with our special countdown articles, and this is no different.

    We tasked our team this week with coming up with their “Favourite Five” Survivor Series Dream Teams and they certainly didn’t disappoint. The following pages showcase the diversity of writing styles that we have at TWM so sit back and relax as the team bring you their Survivor Series Dream Teams.

    Matthew Roberts
    Team Name: The Showstoppers

    CAPTAIN – Shawn Michaels
    Brock Lesnar
    Terry Funk
    Arn Anderson
    Tully Blanchard

    When you’re looking to put together the ultimate Survivor Series team, you want a blend of talent and skills to cover all the relevant bases. My team aims to be a mix of talent (naturally) with inspiration, muscle, a little dash of the unexpected and teamwork.

    My choice as captain will come as no shock to anyone who knows me; SHAWN MICHAELS has to be in there as he’s the greatest in-ring performer I have ever seen. No matter who we were lined up against, Michaels would excel. Early in his singles career his ego would demand he was captain (hence “The Showstoppers” name for the team); later in his career HBK would be a lead by example type captain who would keep fighting until the end for the cause. As a rallying point for the team he would be invaluable and an excellent performance would be all but guaranteed.

    A complete Survivor Series team also needs some muscle. It needs someone not afraid to get down and dirty and fight. It needs a big man who will induce fear in any opponents. For me, that man would be BROCK LESNAR. It’s not simply a matter of his “legitimate” fighting endeavors demanding respect, but when Lesnar is in his competitive zone there is very little chance of escaping without pain and destruction. No matter who this team were up against, you would fancy Lesnar’s chances against any of them in a fist-fight.

    With an inspirational leader and our muscle in the bag, it’s time to switch things up a little bit. Every team needs something a little different…something a little unpredictable…something a little bit crazy. Well who better to fit that role for my team than TERRY FUNK? The man who missed Survivor Series 1993 because his “horse was sick” would be an invaluable addition to my squad. His partners wouldn’t know what to expect from him so how would his opponents be able to plan for things with Funk across the ring from them?

    The one final ingredient for my Survivor Series would be teamwork. It helps if you have guys who have worked with each other before; so I decided my two final places would go to a tag-team. This was a difficult choice as there was a number of different ways I could go with it but in the end I eschewed the idea of a “power” team or a “high flying” team in order to slot in a team experienced in the dark arts of tag team wrestling, TULLY BLANCHARD and ARN ANDERSON. As well as being one of my favourite tag teams, they are the kind of duo who can use their wiles and wit to get the team back into the game when things are going against us. They can cheat, in other words. Their telepathic understanding will also be a great help towards ensuring that this team of five are the ones that would survive.

    With a unique mixture of power, speed, craziness and cunning I think the Showstoppers are the Survivor Series team that has it all.

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