Dave Green

    Three Favourite Survivor Series Matches:

    3 – Grand Finale Survivor Series Match: The WWF Thanksgiving Night Tradition (1990)

    Okay, I’m cheating a little on this one because technically you need the whole card for this one match to work because again it’s the concept that won me over. Then in the second appearance of every man that night they put on another stellar performance resulting in a predictable finish, nonetheless it was still fun and a great idea to have this match close the show. Was also nice to see Hercules make it to the very end and be the final heel for his team even if it was only by a handful of seconds. Great stuff.

    2 – Bret Hart Vs. ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin: Back to Attack (1996)

    One of Bret Hart’s better matches. In my opinion this is a much better match than the Wrestlemania XIII one. Don’t get me wrong the ending to the Wrestlemania was absolutely epic. It’s just that this one is a real good wrestling from start to finish. A complete shame that it is so overlooked for the closing minutes of the ‘Mania encounter so I had to give it a mention here.

    1 – Wild Card Match: Who’s Fit to Survive (1995)

    For me this concept was just great. I liked having the reluctant heels working with the faces. The faces working with the heels but watching their backs. The different dynamics that were able to be worked during the contest. Just really enjoyed it and would love to see it again. Feuds can be started from it, you have turns in it, double turns, or you could just end up with a normal Survivor Series match with everyone working together because the win matters. Not to mention the action involved in this one was just real entertaining.

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