It continues to be an interesting time in the WWE Universe. With the recent internal house-cleaning, WWE appears to be attempting to switch things up. Some more proof may lie in the current Women’s Titleholders. Bianca Belair declared herself “E-S-T” of them all while still in NXT. Rhea Ripley cut the line and took what she believes to be hers. Titles now in hand, what happens now? These ladies need true contenders or their reigns will fizzle quite quickly.

    Bianca Belair, on the other hand, has more general options. She’s definitely in fine shape but she’s not that overtly intimidating. Bayley is about her size so it makes for a fair fight. The only problem is that we got a look at that battle and though they can have a respectable match, after WrestleMania, most are looking for something meatier.

    In terms of fair opponents, both Natalya and Tamina qualify but since Natalya has already won accolades, most can see how Tamina may simply be due. She would be a formidable opponent to Belair. The feud would just have to be interesting. Maybe Tamina keeps with a family theme and plays heel or Belair turns. Whichever way it goes there should be some hefty implications, just to hold our interest.

    WWE's Bianca Belair

    Carmella is another option. She’s good in the ring and a heel currently so, she could be a fun opponent. She would come out of nowhere so, people would expect her to lose but, she’s cunning. She could believably win. There would be some hijinks but it’s not too much of a stretch. It could be a good match.

    However, you shouldn’t forget that Baszler and Jax are valid too since they’re the Women’s Tag Team Champions. Jax and Baszler could end up carrying 2 belts at some point. If Baszler and Jax have compelling runs, double-belting it may not be a problem. In this case, Belair would have to prove she is the strong-“est”. Setting challenges could prompt the roster to rise to the occasion.

    Bianca Belair

    And then, there’s the possible Survivor Series option with Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley facing each other. There’s no reason to do this now, but Summer Slam could prove a big enough stage. This year’s WrestleMania being a hit, WWE will probably want to build a juicy card for it.

    A Champion vs. Champion match with double brand stipulations could become a delectable backdrop for the Women’s titles. There are places to go with who is in play. Let’s see if WWE takes it somewhere worth watching.